It is a house full of boys!. Brian is a high school principal, I'm a teacher, Jack LOVES football and Star Wars, Grant is full of life and loves to just play and Will (the Pounder) rounds our family out. God is good and we are blessed.
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wanna Play?

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Pool Hero
Anyway...thanks Daddy for saving the pool.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday Evening

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Something Missing?
Kid Journal
1. You are never alone - Jesus is always with and usually so are mommy and daddy (Jack age 3)
2. At the age of 4 Jack saw a dead bunny on the road which lead to quite the discussion about death, heaven, new bodies etc. When I told Jack that it is okay the bunny was now in heaven he quickly pointed out that no it wasn't (pointing) it was right there. The next night on a walk he yells to 2 bunnies in a yard "Hey don't run in the street." Then at prayers on the same night he thanks Jesus that the bunny is now in heaven digging holes, running around with all the other bunnies who are DEAD!
3. Age 4 - On my birthday I asked Jack for a hug and kiss and he just said, "Why can't you just want a cake?"
4. Age 5:
Me: I love you Jack
Jack: I love you more Mom
Me: I will love you even when you are 14 and you don't like me
Jack: YOur joken me mom, I will love you and like you when I am 14
I am holding him to this one!
3 joys: "my boys", running, my friends
3 fears: something happening to me and not being around for my kids, flying, bridges
3 goals: to always work at being a better mom, friend, and wife
3 current obsessions/collections: i am not sure i have three because i HATE to collect things but I am kinda into this blog thing as it will provide a journal for myself and family years from now
3 random/suprising facts about myself: I have always wanted to foster/adopt when we are done having kids, i like kids more than i like most adults, i wish i had the guts to make my hair its natural color because i am tired of maintaining the color it is
Friday, June 20, 2008
Mizzou Trip

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This is Brian. He works ALOT! We are so grateful that he loves us so much and puts up with me. He is an asst. principal at a brand new high school and the stories he comes home with always amaze me. He cares a great deal about kids and I am always touched by how much he does for them. He is a great dad to Jack and Grant.
Brian's Top 10
1. He keeps me sane and rational (if I would just learn to talk to him first).
2. He is convinced I will one day wash his clothes before he even takes them off.
3. He dreams of owning a big screen tv and new couches.
4. He can be heard often saying "Has anyone seen my wallet?"
5. His favorite animal at the zoo is the orgatun (yes I spelled that the way I wanted to).
6. He does not find me nearly has funny as I find myself.
7. When watching a movie with me he gets annoyed with all my questions.
8. He supports me in everything I do (running, motherhood, being a principal, going back to teaching, shopping, and just being me) Trust me when I say just being me and putting up with that is a full time job within itself.
9. He asks me not to cook the good meat in the freezer because he knows Martha Stewart does not live at our house nor would she come for a visit.
10. He is a great dad and husband. My boys could not be more blessed. Through all of it, he is present and I hope he knows I am his biggest fan.
Football Boy

He may look innocent...