Brian is a high school assistant principal. There are many days when he is quite busy (ha ha). Today was a prime example. That being busy lends itself to some funny, interesting, and sometimes minimal conversations.
For example today I called him after school:
Me: Hey
Brian: Hey I can't talk b/c I am getting ready to talk to a kid who swears he only sees people as skeletons and I have a crazy pissed off parent on the other line.
Me: Sounds like fun, talk to you later!
(The other funny part of this conversation was another principal heard it and looked at Brian funny. Brian then reminded him that I was once a principal and I get it...really folks you can't make this stuff up) I miss that about going back to teaching as stressful and crazy as being a principal was you NEVER had a dull moment!
Brian has been gone all night at some football games. I was putting the boys to bed a little bit ago and our home phone kept ringing. Like annoying...the person kept calling and calling. I finally went to get and it was the police dispatch. A kid had been hurt at the football game and Brian had to call an ambulance. They needed to get back in touch with Brian but did not have his cell number just our home number so I quickly gave it to them.
So there is Brian's night...skeletons, police, and an ambulance. And did I mention it is 9:15 at night and he is still at school because they have to finish the game, he has been at school since 6:15 this morning and he will be back there that early tomorrow.
I am not kidding ask any principal...the stories from one day will amaze you!
PS: Thanks Brian for doing such an amazing job, caring about kids, and your family.