It is a house full of boys!. Brian is a high school principal, I'm a teacher, Jack LOVES football and Star Wars, Grant is full of life and loves to just play and Will (the Pounder) rounds our family out. God is good and we are blessed.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day
Another snow day today! We played outside at our house this morning while Brian shoveled so I could get my car out in the morning and after naps (for Grant and I) we headed over to a great hill and the boys (all 3 of them) had a blast sledding. I was the photographer for the adventure since the baby should probably not be sledding this year. I will post some pictures in a little bit b/c they are taking a while to load.
Yesterday I watched two very different shows! I watched the "Real Housewives of Orange County" and then "17 Kids and Counting"...So many thoughts/opinions running through my head.
Dear Bravo TV,
I would like to audition for the Real Housewives of O'Fallon. I do not wear make up daily, I am nice to my friends, I don't let my 18 year old drink alcohol at a party with my friends (Heck I won't even let my kids drink soda), I will never let my sons curse at me, I don't flirt with men at bars, I work, I shop at Target and Old Navy, my car is 7 years old, I am pregnant, I only go out if my parents can babysit and watch my kids for free, I do not spend hundreds of dollars on a purse, I go to church, and I wear my pj pants a lot....Are you interested? Please let me know when you will be at my house so I can put my basset hounds in their kennel.
Dear Bravo TV,
I would like to audition for the Real Housewives of O'Fallon. I do not wear make up daily, I am nice to my friends, I don't let my 18 year old drink alcohol at a party with my friends (Heck I won't even let my kids drink soda), I will never let my sons curse at me, I don't flirt with men at bars, I work, I shop at Target and Old Navy, my car is 7 years old, I am pregnant, I only go out if my parents can babysit and watch my kids for free, I do not spend hundreds of dollars on a purse, I go to church, and I wear my pj pants a lot....Are you interested? Please let me know when you will be at my house so I can put my basset hounds in their kennel.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snow Day!
We got some snow/slush/sleet so we are home today. Brian has to work and he takes the car that is good in the snow so we are home bound! I am not sure I would venture out with two kids and pregnant in this anyway. We have been building with blocks, coloring, play star wars, playing wii, climbing in the play gym, playing in the basement and now it is almost nap time!!! Grant will sleep, Jack will watch a movie, and I will "rest" okay sleep on the couch. It is supposed to keep snowing/sleeting until about midnight so lets hope we have school tomorrow! I plan on going to the library when Brian gets home but that is about it for our exciting day!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
It was a nice day yesterday so after school we went out to play in the backyard. Jack had a friend over and I was throwing woofle balls to Jack to hit while his friend played in the outfield. Jack was really smacking the balls and hit a few over the fence. About the 3d pitch he connected with it really well and it hit me right in the nose. As it was coming toward me and hitting me my only thought was get to your knees. I thought this because I wanted to control my falling. I blacked out for a few seconds and when I came back, Jack was racing inside to get a towel (blood was rushing out of my nose) and Jack's little friend, Alec was kneeling next to me and said, "I think we should play something else." I got some ice and sat out for awhile while they played. Jack was really upset with himself which broke my heart because he hurt me. I explained many many times that I was fine, I was not mad at him, he did nothing wrong, and when you play sports you get hurt. It would not be the first time I would get hurt or the last and same for him. My nose still hurts this morning. I can't blow it without pain or even touch it. Thankfully the swelling is not that noticeable and I don't have black eyes. It is just very tender. I had on sunglasses and I think that helped although the ball knocked them off my face and across the grass. I think this weekend we are going to get one of those screens you stand behind for when you pitch.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Winter Coat

Grant did not take his coat off today until 5:45. Mind you I pick him up at 3:15. We did play outside for a little bit but when we came in he DID NOT want to take it off. In this picture he is wearing the coat with the hood up and no pants or diaper because after the 2nd yucky diaper he ran off and I did not have it in me to chase him. Brian got home while we were eating and asked Grant if he wanted his coat off...he said yes and happily took it off! Crazy boy!
Locked Out
Grant locked me out of the house this evening. When I went to get the mail he locked the front door and was laughing as I tried to get in. I was afraid to go let myself in the garage because I did not want him to unlock the front door and let himself or the dogs out while I was going in the garage. I rang the doorbell a lot in hopes of Jack coming to my rescue. Jack never did. I finally told Grant through the door to go meet me in the laundry room. He took off running and so did I. Thankfully we did meet in the laundry room. I came inside to yell at Jack for not coming to the door when I was ringing the doorbell but Jack calmly reminded me that I told him to NEVER answer the door unless I told him Mamaw and Pawp were coming over. He was right so I did not yell. Oh the fun...
Crazy Hair
18 weeks

Here are a couple of pics of me from today. In one I am dressed for work and I think I look bigger than I am b/c my pants are all to big so I have to wear a belly band to keep them up. Please ignore my lovely hair in the workout ones...I just finished a run! Yes I am still running. I told Brian the other night it is the one time during the day I still feel like me. Last night I ran almost a full 4 miles with very little walking. This evening it was more of a run/walk but my legs were a little sore from last night and I had to do it after dinner so my stomach was full!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ice Anyone?
Grant loves to eat ice. He asks for, he takes it out of our glasses, he helps himself to some from the freezer. The only problem is that we he says the word "ice" it comes out nice as clear as "Ass."
Next time you are over let us know if you would like some "ass" with your water.
Next time you are over let us know if you would like some "ass" with your water.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ahhh Monday...back to work and we have an entire week this week with no snow/ice in the forecast or a records day on Friday. We have had a pretty uneventful few days...here is a recap.
1. Last week on Tuesday we had our second ice day/snow day of the year. Our phone rings a ton starting at about 4:45. Brian got the snow chain call, we both got our schools automated calls, we got the call from Jack's school, and then a couple of Brian's teachers called to verify we were actually off.
2. The boys and I went to the library once the ice melted a little and I paid my fines (I always have them) and we got a couple of books. We don't stay long because Grant and the library don't mix.
3. I used my new Bob Revolution Jogging Stroller at the library and at the mall last week. Both times I folded in and put it in the Accord trunk and it fits! I really love how light weight it is and how it steers. I have also used a couple times on walks with Grant and it works great!
4. Still running/walking. I did about three miles of running this evening and one mile walking. I am slower than I like but still thrilled to be doing it. I actually looked up today how far along I would be for the half marathon in April. I will be 30 or 31 weeks and actually wondered if I could run/walk it. I doubt I will be able to especially with the heat of St. Louis. Oh well...there is always next year.
5. Brian registered for the half marathon so I will be cheering him on!
6. Grant is still convinced there is a blue vacuum in my stomach.
7. Went bowling this weekend and had a good time.
8. Grant is talking a ton more. Still going to get him tested for speech this summer through the school district but getting more doubtful each day that he will qualify...that is a good thing!
9. Looking for a massage therapist who has the pregnancy pillow so I can lay on my stomach. I found one but she does it out of her home and her kids go to my school. I just think that would be awkward.
10. Jack has a HORRIBLE cough. No fever, sore throat or anything else just not feeling good due to the cough. Poor guy!
1. Last week on Tuesday we had our second ice day/snow day of the year. Our phone rings a ton starting at about 4:45. Brian got the snow chain call, we both got our schools automated calls, we got the call from Jack's school, and then a couple of Brian's teachers called to verify we were actually off.
2. The boys and I went to the library once the ice melted a little and I paid my fines (I always have them) and we got a couple of books. We don't stay long because Grant and the library don't mix.
3. I used my new Bob Revolution Jogging Stroller at the library and at the mall last week. Both times I folded in and put it in the Accord trunk and it fits! I really love how light weight it is and how it steers. I have also used a couple times on walks with Grant and it works great!
4. Still running/walking. I did about three miles of running this evening and one mile walking. I am slower than I like but still thrilled to be doing it. I actually looked up today how far along I would be for the half marathon in April. I will be 30 or 31 weeks and actually wondered if I could run/walk it. I doubt I will be able to especially with the heat of St. Louis. Oh well...there is always next year.
5. Brian registered for the half marathon so I will be cheering him on!
6. Grant is still convinced there is a blue vacuum in my stomach.
7. Went bowling this weekend and had a good time.
8. Grant is talking a ton more. Still going to get him tested for speech this summer through the school district but getting more doubtful each day that he will qualify...that is a good thing!
9. Looking for a massage therapist who has the pregnancy pillow so I can lay on my stomach. I found one but she does it out of her home and her kids go to my school. I just think that would be awkward.
10. Jack has a HORRIBLE cough. No fever, sore throat or anything else just not feeling good due to the cough. Poor guy!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Mini-Van
So I am going to get a minivan in the coming months or year. Brian has an SUV which has a third row but with three kids in car seats it is not ideal (climbing over seats or through the hatch to get to the third row). I am a practical person by nature and if I could stuff three kids in the back of my (paid off) accord I would but I can't. Plus it seems like Brian and I are always switching cars for reasons with kids and it is getting annoying because stuff gets left in one car and you need it but that car is gone...just annoying. I am ready to have my "own" car that is big enough for me and three kids and that I only drive (for the most part). Here comes my question (for all four of you readers)...over break we have been with various friends and family members and when they question us about cars with a third baby coming or we talk about it they make faces or make comments about me getting a minivan. Apparently I am about to become very UNCOOL. Truth be told I have never be cool and have pretty much fit into the uncool category for quite sometime now but apparently with the purchase of a minivan it is about to become official. For the first time ever I find myself wondering what other car would work for me. Then I get annoyed with myself. I am practical, I think a minivan would work perfectly...the doors slide open, there is room to move around and help kids, no one can touch each other, room for friends, etc. Plus I think the Honda Odyssey is cool (I am a Honda girl it is the only one I will get). So all four of my readers let me know what you think...
And don't worry I will not be getting those stickers on the back of our family...that is uncool!
And don't worry I will not be getting those stickers on the back of our family...that is uncool!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Marely and Me
Great movie! Really good. It made me realize I need to love on my dogs a little more. Sure Warner loves to eat diapers and can get them out of any trashcan I put them but they are really good dogs for the most part and my boys love them. The only complaint I had about the movie was when Jenny comes home from the hospital after having her first baby she is wearing a short white sundress showing off her perfect little body. For real? Who wears anything white days after having a baby? Anyway...good movie and will probably want to own it someday because I think Jack would even like it.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
We had a very uneventful night. I fell asleep with Jack at 9, went to my bed at 11 and I have no idea when Brian came to bed because he was playing Play Station. No partying for us. I guess that is what two kids and another on the way does to you!
Today we are going to my parents for lunch and Brian and I might go to a movie.
We had a very uneventful night. I fell asleep with Jack at 9, went to my bed at 11 and I have no idea when Brian came to bed because he was playing Play Station. No partying for us. I guess that is what two kids and another on the way does to you!
Today we are going to my parents for lunch and Brian and I might go to a movie.
Conversation With Grant
Me: I love you buddy
G: I love my vacuum
Later in the day:
Me: Grant what is in mommy's tummy?
G: a vacuum
Me: Ouch!
In case you can't tell Grant loves his vacuum!
G: I love my vacuum
Later in the day:
Me: Grant what is in mommy's tummy?
G: a vacuum
Me: Ouch!
In case you can't tell Grant loves his vacuum!
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