It is a house full of boys!. Brian is a high school principal, I'm a teacher, Jack LOVES football and Star Wars, Grant is full of life and loves to just play and Will (the Pounder) rounds our family out. God is good and we are blessed.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Picture This
We bought a van this evening. Originally we were going to wait but then realized that what we could sell and did sell our Accord for will pay off Brian's car and the van is less expensive than Brian's was so our payment for it is smaller. Brian did some Internet pricing stuff last night and two dealers spent the day emailing us and out biding each other. It was almost comical. Brian felt really good about the price something about below invoices etc so we went and got it this evening. I felt good considering earlier in the week we almost bought one that was 2 years old with about 30,000 miles on it for about the same we paid for this one. Either way we are set for quite some time on buying cars. I titled this "Picture this" because Erin told me to send her a picture and I am to tired this evening. So image a minivan below. I did forget how exciting is was to get a new car when you are a kid. Jack and Grant were beyond excited! So cute! Jack is already talking about all the storage areas and what he is planning to store (Lego's, star wars stuff, etc.) Off to bed!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
No Progress
I went to the dr. today and I have not had any progress since last week. I go again on Monday to see my dr. and I want to talk about inducing next week. I don't want to have a July 4th baby or July 5th baby due to holidays and family birthdays. I would really like this little guy to have his own day! Maybe he could just decide to get moving though and come this weekend! I keep doing things to get more ready thinking that will spur him into action. I have cleaned, organized, brought up the baby swing and bouncer seat, car seat is installed in the pilot, oil is getting changed in the cars tomorrow, laundry is caught up, notes are left, my mom knows the bedtime routine for the boys, bags are packed, the list goes on and on. No such luck yet. I am bummed about the thought of inducing because I really disliked it with Grant but I am also feeling at the end of my ability to be this pregnant and huge in the heat...just really ready to meet him and not be pregnant. Say a prayer that he decided to come this weekend or evening this evening. Although the laundry is not totally put away yet!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Jack plays baseball on Wednesday evenings. He has a blast! He is so serious and into the game, much more than the other kids. Grant comes along because they have starburst at the concession stand. He also tells anyone who will listen who is brother is. It is really cute - almost like he is proud of him for playing!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
What we have been up to!
This weekend...
1. Friday we went to visit Brian's grandma in her nursing home and then took the boys bowling. She is doing okay and told me I might want to have my doctor check and make sure their is only one baby in my stomach because it is pretty big. Bowling is always a hit. We usually just do one game because Jack earned a free pass for the entire summer (one game a day) so we only pay for the shoe rental which for the boys is $5. This is a nice 45 minutes or so. I don't bowl because it hurts and Brian just helped Grant so I got to sit this time.
2. Friday night we went in to see my dad for Father's Day. Funny how we go to see them and they ordered the pizza and paid for Ted Drewes. We need to work on them letting us pay sometimes. I had thrown my back out (unfortunately it was not back labor) and we pretty useless so I just sat on their couch.
3. Saturday I took the boys to Target to get Brian a PlayStation 3 baseball game from the boys and then we swam in our pool which Brian cut the grass. After naps we had dinner and played outside - rode bikes and jeeps.
4. Today was Father's Day and Jack and Brian played the new baseball game for 3 hours. I took 2 naps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and then we went to his brothers apartment for about 2 hours and had hamburgers and hot dogs.
5. Our plans for the week are to install the car seat at the fire department in Brian's pilot until we get a van, get the oil changed in the accord, and stay cool since it is going to be super hot here this week. They are projecting 98 plus degrees all week. Oh boy.
6. While shopping for Fathers Day I went into the GAP at the mall. Oh how I have missed shopping for cute clothes. I did not buy anything but can't wait to lose this weight and shop again and just wear some of the cute things I already own. I am going to do my best to help this economy.
7. We have three names we like. Well, really just 2 we like. The third one Brian is not so fond of and I am on the fence so I doubt we would use that one. I think I have decided I just need to see him and figure out which one fits him. I should also warn you I am usually pretty wiped out after labor and sleep for quite some time so I might wait until after some sleep to name him. I know this makes some of you anxious and you are going to want to know his name so prepare yourself (mom and erin). Also I don't think I will ever tell the other names once he has been named because I just want people to know him as who he is not who he could have been named and in my hormonal state I will probably not be doing well and worried about picking the wrong name. Brian assures me their is not a wrong name but he does not have hormones to deal with so what does he know?
8. Speaking of hormones...I don't remember being so weepy before the baby came. I cry a lot lately and over everything. Brian even commented that I appear to have the baby blues without the baby yet. Hmm?
Sorry no pictures lately. I have packed the camera and battery charger for the hospital. I don't want to unpack for fear I would forget it.
1. Friday we went to visit Brian's grandma in her nursing home and then took the boys bowling. She is doing okay and told me I might want to have my doctor check and make sure their is only one baby in my stomach because it is pretty big. Bowling is always a hit. We usually just do one game because Jack earned a free pass for the entire summer (one game a day) so we only pay for the shoe rental which for the boys is $5. This is a nice 45 minutes or so. I don't bowl because it hurts and Brian just helped Grant so I got to sit this time.
2. Friday night we went in to see my dad for Father's Day. Funny how we go to see them and they ordered the pizza and paid for Ted Drewes. We need to work on them letting us pay sometimes. I had thrown my back out (unfortunately it was not back labor) and we pretty useless so I just sat on their couch.
3. Saturday I took the boys to Target to get Brian a PlayStation 3 baseball game from the boys and then we swam in our pool which Brian cut the grass. After naps we had dinner and played outside - rode bikes and jeeps.
4. Today was Father's Day and Jack and Brian played the new baseball game for 3 hours. I took 2 naps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and then we went to his brothers apartment for about 2 hours and had hamburgers and hot dogs.
5. Our plans for the week are to install the car seat at the fire department in Brian's pilot until we get a van, get the oil changed in the accord, and stay cool since it is going to be super hot here this week. They are projecting 98 plus degrees all week. Oh boy.
6. While shopping for Fathers Day I went into the GAP at the mall. Oh how I have missed shopping for cute clothes. I did not buy anything but can't wait to lose this weight and shop again and just wear some of the cute things I already own. I am going to do my best to help this economy.
7. We have three names we like. Well, really just 2 we like. The third one Brian is not so fond of and I am on the fence so I doubt we would use that one. I think I have decided I just need to see him and figure out which one fits him. I should also warn you I am usually pretty wiped out after labor and sleep for quite some time so I might wait until after some sleep to name him. I know this makes some of you anxious and you are going to want to know his name so prepare yourself (mom and erin). Also I don't think I will ever tell the other names once he has been named because I just want people to know him as who he is not who he could have been named and in my hormonal state I will probably not be doing well and worried about picking the wrong name. Brian assures me their is not a wrong name but he does not have hormones to deal with so what does he know?
8. Speaking of hormones...I don't remember being so weepy before the baby came. I cry a lot lately and over everything. Brian even commented that I appear to have the baby blues without the baby yet. Hmm?
Sorry no pictures lately. I have packed the camera and battery charger for the hospital. I don't want to unpack for fear I would forget it.
2 cm
At my last dr. appt I was 2 8 more to go!
I go again this Thursday or maybe he could just come before then!
I go again this Thursday or maybe he could just come before then!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I made a huge error in judgment today! It was raining again and we had to get out of our house. We went to see the movie "Up." Jack did awesome! Grant was awful. Needless to say the next time it rains we will just suffer in our house.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jack told me today he knows what I am going to be when I grow up...A Grandma!
He asked what I would do as a grandma and I told him what I always tell him - I want to watch his kids for him and his wife. He asked me what I would charge him and I told him nothing. He then asked if I would pay him to watch his kids. Maybe he does have a little of Grandpa Lowe in him after all.
He asked what I would do as a grandma and I told him what I always tell him - I want to watch his kids for him and his wife. He asked me what I would charge him and I told him nothing. He then asked if I would pay him to watch his kids. Maybe he does have a little of Grandpa Lowe in him after all.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Not a lot going on. I was talking to some other moms and they have their kids in a lot of camps, programs, VBS, etc and I have not signed Jack up for anything except for baseball. I was feeling a little guilty but then realized a lot of them don't work during the school year and our school year is so structured that I love the freedom of summer. Next year I might sign him up for some sort of enrichment camp a few hours a day or for a week...or maybe we won't!
Here is what we have been up to:
1. 38 weeks pregnant!
2. I took the boys bowling on Monday and Jack told me I looked like a bowling ball and my belly button (which you can see through my shirts) is like the hole of the ball. In case you are wondering I do not have 3 belly buttons.
3. We have signed up for the summer reading program at the library and have read about 15 of our 40 books. Jack is super excited about the prizes they are offering so he is motivated.
4. We went to the zoo today. I did not take any pictures. We saw the new sting ray exhibit, the sea lions, the monkey's, the snake house, and the bears. We only stayed for about 2 hours because of me and I think visited the bathrooms about 5 times.
5. Jack has a friend over playing this afternoon and I am dressed and skipping my afternoon nap!
6. Tomorrow I have another dr. appt. I always get excited for these to see if I am dilating or anything that means I will not be pregnant forever. I am having a ton of contractions but they are not consistent or all that strong. I do notice they tend to be stronger at night but I think that is because I am tired and worn out.
7. I got this great idea to make cookies with the boys and then decorate them. What was I thinking? Giving Grant a tube of icing is not a good idea. Next time we will do this when he is sleeping!
Here is what we have been up to:
1. 38 weeks pregnant!
2. I took the boys bowling on Monday and Jack told me I looked like a bowling ball and my belly button (which you can see through my shirts) is like the hole of the ball. In case you are wondering I do not have 3 belly buttons.
3. We have signed up for the summer reading program at the library and have read about 15 of our 40 books. Jack is super excited about the prizes they are offering so he is motivated.
4. We went to the zoo today. I did not take any pictures. We saw the new sting ray exhibit, the sea lions, the monkey's, the snake house, and the bears. We only stayed for about 2 hours because of me and I think visited the bathrooms about 5 times.
5. Jack has a friend over playing this afternoon and I am dressed and skipping my afternoon nap!
6. Tomorrow I have another dr. appt. I always get excited for these to see if I am dilating or anything that means I will not be pregnant forever. I am having a ton of contractions but they are not consistent or all that strong. I do notice they tend to be stronger at night but I think that is because I am tired and worn out.
7. I got this great idea to make cookies with the boys and then decorate them. What was I thinking? Giving Grant a tube of icing is not a good idea. Next time we will do this when he is sleeping!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Picture I will Treasure Forever!

I put Grant to sleep like normal. He sang and talked for a short time and this is what I found when I went to check on him before I went to bed. (He is potty trained but still sleeps in a diaper at night). Brian says it is wrong of me to post this but I think it is classic G-Man! Someday I will show his wife!
Happy Birthday Grant

Grant turned 3 on Tuesday. We celebrated as a family that day and has his party today. On Tuesday we started our morning with a candle in the pancakes, opened presents when Brian got home, and went to dinner at Red Robin. Today we had our families over, played in the pool, the slip -n-slide, ate, had cake, and rode the jeep. Here are some pictures of the fun times!
The Lazy Mom
Jack and I are trying to arrange a play date with a friend of his from school for one afternoon next week. He asked me when Jackson comes over if I could please not wear my pj pants and if I could not fall asleep on the couch. I assured him I would wear clothes and not pj's and I would try my best to stay awake!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Grant!
We can't believe that you are 3 years old today. You are so awesome! You keep us on our toes but in a good way! You are curious, funny, sneaky, a problem solver, and a little to smart for your own good. You love to play! In fact sitting still is never on your agenda for the day. I think that is awesome. Right now your favorite thing is your jeep. You want to ride it, talk about it, and you even cover it with blankets when it is raining (we do keep it in the garage but you still insist). You are such a mamas boy. We do everything together and you only want me to do anything for you. When we are playing inside you will even leave your jeep to go inside with me if I run in for a minute and Daddy is outside. You can't wait until your baby comes out because you tell me you want us to go for a run. Gosh I love you buddy! You are still sleeping but will be up soon and the first words out of your mouth will be "I eat."
Love you! Happy Birthday to You!
We can't believe that you are 3 years old today. You are so awesome! You keep us on our toes but in a good way! You are curious, funny, sneaky, a problem solver, and a little to smart for your own good. You love to play! In fact sitting still is never on your agenda for the day. I think that is awesome. Right now your favorite thing is your jeep. You want to ride it, talk about it, and you even cover it with blankets when it is raining (we do keep it in the garage but you still insist). You are such a mamas boy. We do everything together and you only want me to do anything for you. When we are playing inside you will even leave your jeep to go inside with me if I run in for a minute and Daddy is outside. You can't wait until your baby comes out because you tell me you want us to go for a run. Gosh I love you buddy! You are still sleeping but will be up soon and the first words out of your mouth will be "I eat."
Love you! Happy Birthday to You!
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