Just for memories sake...
Jack: Found out I was pregnant with him on July 6
th 2002. We told Brian's side of the family at his birthday dinner on July 9
th at Outback Steakhouse. We gave his twin brother a card that said "Uncle Ryan." On July 10
th we went to my parents house and I gave my mom of list of things I wanted for my birthday and on the list I had put "baby
diapers" Went into labor with Jack early (3 am) of July 10
th. I spent the entire day in labor, went to the mall to walk b/c it was cold. Ryan and Maria came over about 5 pm that evening and stayed just a few minutes because they could see how much pain I was in. I kept getting in and out of the bath tub and Brian ran around timing my contractions, talking to my sister (since she was in Columbia and trying to decide when to drive in), and lining the car seat with towels and plastic bags in case my water broke. I kept saying I wanted to go the hospital but Brian thought we should wait since Dr.
Radley had told him that this could take a while when he had called her earlier in the evening. We got the hospital about 9pm and I was told I was 6cm. At this point I said...Does this mean I am having a baby? (Feel free to laugh - the nurse did). I was in an amazing amount of pain. I got my epidural about an hour later and felt much better. EVERYONE came. My parents, Erin, Brian's parents,
Brians siblings and spouses. As it got later most left except for my mom, sister, Nick, and Lindsay. Only Brian and I were in the room and I only had to push for about 20 minutes. Jack Brian was born at 2:19 am and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz.
Grant: I found out I was pregnant with him on September 24
th 2005. We told family on October 16
th because that was the day we were moving into our house and I would not be lifting or helping much due to pregnant and
nauseous. I was induced with Grant because Brian was scheduled to take his masters exam the day after my official due date so my
dr. induced me on my ultrasound due date. The
hospital called at about 5:00 in the evening of June 1 and I got
pitocin when I arrived. I labored all night and Grant arrived the next morning at 7:57. I was about 6cm
dilated and Brian went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. While he was gone I felt Grants head move through the birth canal and I felt a ton of pressure. The nurse came in and check me and told me to NOT push the head was right there. Brian and the
dr. were not though Brian got back and quickly realized he would not be eating breakfast at that moment. Dr.
Radley arrived and I pushed for just a few minutes. Grant came out with the cord wrapped around his neck. His heart rate kept dropping while I was pushing as well and I remember Dr.
Radley getting really firm with me that I needed to get him out otherwise her arm was going to pull him out. I think I just pushed a few times total and Grant Matthew (means Great gift from God) entered the world at 7lbs 7oz. We did not have any family there this time...but they arrived
shortly after.
Will: I found out I was pregnant with Will on October 24
th 2008 and we told family through a picture email with the boys holding up signs that said big brother and middle brother about 3 weeks after that. I opted to be induced again with Will. I did not want him to have July 4
th as his birthday. I was going to be called in anytime after 8 pm on July 1st to get some medicine on my cervix. On July 1st I went to Jacks baseball game and my contractions were about 20-30 minutes apart and had been starting about 3:00 that afternoon. They were not horrible but I could tell they were the start of something. I had also been spotting a little. We got home from the baseball game and Ryan and Maria came over with the girls to stay with the boys at our house through the night. I took a shower and packed up a few more things. The hospital called and off we went. Of course I cried a ton on the way to St. Johns. We arrived and I got the medicine and they told me I could not use the bathroom for 2 hours. That is almost as bad as the contractions that were getting more painful. I labored through the night while Brian slept. Dr.
Voegtle arrived in the morning at broke my water (ouch!) and I labored for about 2 more house with out the epidural. I got the epidural at 10 am and about noon I felt a huge amount of pressure and sure enough I was fully
dilated. Will Ethan entered the world after a few minutes of pushing at 12:14 pm weighing 8lbs 6 oz. He came out with a
mow hawk and still has one!
Daily I wonder how I got here. How I got so lucky to be a mom to these awesome boys. Life is on big adventure!
I love you Jack, Grant, and Will. You are all my best.