Yes you read it correctly. Grant farted (on purpose) on his preschool teacher. We had our home visit from his preschool last friday afternoon. I cleaned Thursday evening, made sure the house looked good, left work early, welcomed her into our home and what did he do - he farted. Everything was going well and she had made a few comments about how much more energy he has at home. She kept saying that at school is calm and reserved. I promise you that those are two words we NEVER use to describe Grant, even when he is sick he is not calm or reserved. I have observed him at preschool a few times when he does not know I am watching and he is quite calm but he is not this way at home or anywere else for that matter. Anyway as she and Iwere talking he ran over, aimed, and let out a very loud fart pointed right at her. I was so embarrased. I did not know what to say or how to react. She started laughing and I started apologizing and scolding Grant. We both had a good laugh as he ran off. She assured me that she would be telling his other teachers about this, I assured her I would be blogging about and calling everyone I know as well. Oh boy!