I feel like I never blog anymore. I will use the same excuse that many use...we are just busy. By the I sit down at night I am wiped. I might watch a little TV or read the Internet but usually I am just falling asleep. We love the TV show "Lost" and were excited for weeks for its return. Laying in bed watching it Brian kept telling me to wake up and I kept telling him "I was just resting my eyes." I missed the entire thing. Thank goodness we have DVR.
Lots is always happening around here but it really is just normal stuff. Will got his first tooth and he has started talking a lot more. He makes a lot of noises and loves to say "Dada" all day long. He is not crawling or showing any interest and that is fine with me. I like it when they stay were you put them - unlike his older brothers. He is still sleeping and eating great. He prefers the food he prefers though. He eats a lot of carrots, apples, chicken, pears, sweet potato's. and any other fruit. If it is something he does not like he will make sure you know it and he won't be eating it. I don't fight it and just feed him what he likes. Grant is still doing well in his preschool. He rides the but to and from most days unless I can get him. He talks a lot about his friends and had grandparents day a few weeks ago and both grandparents gave us good reports. Grant has also decided he prefers to join us in our bed at some point in the middle of the night. Honestly I am to tired to care. For now we let him sleep between us and are thankful we have a king size bed. Our plan is to move him to the floor when he turns four if he comes to our room in the night much like we did with Jack (although Jack was not this bad!). Really though the goal right now is sleep and I am pretty sure he won't sleep in our room forever. I tell myself there will come a day that he does not like me (age 14) and I will have these sweet memories of cuddling with him and him playing with my hair while he sleep all warm and cuddly next to me. He is super attached to me and I must admit me to him as well. Jack is doing well as well. Overnight he has become a reader and he can tell time. One of my biggest worries was teaching our kids to read and his teacher has done most of it but I also think when they are ready they are ready and it all comes together. I wish that would happen with shoe
laces as well. Jack is signed up for baseball in the spring and we will probably do flag football as well. He loves his legos and builds some really cool ships and star wars things. I am always so impressed with his creativity and ability to sit and work on a project. He also loves to play football with the neighbor boys after school until it gets dark. If it is even close to warm enough...at least forty degree we are out there. Will and I bundle up and sit in the garage and watch them. Brian is busy as usual with work. At least in this economy he has job security...as long as kids and teachers continue to misbehave we are good (ha!). He is also training for his first marathon. He is having a little ankle trouble and they suspect he has some torn tendons in his ankle but we won't know until the MRI results come back the end of this week. If that is the case he might just do the half but it is still early.
That is about it...
I am going to post some pics and little anecdotes as well.