So I don't forget...
1. Jack and Grant love to wear football jerseys right now.
2. Getting dressed is not pleasant if number 1on this list is not followed.
3. Jack had a wart frozen off on his foot a few weeks ago. He acted like he was going to die. It was awful.
4. Grant is still in speech but doing GREAT and making huge strides.
5. Will weighs about 29 lbs and wears a size 2t at 16 months old.
6. Jack and Brian drove to Kansas City last night to watch Jaguars play in state playoff game. They lost...bummer!
7. Warner and Bruce are still alive...boys think when they die we are getting two new dogs. Ha!
8. I have started Christmas shopping but still a ways to go.
9. Boys will be getting more jersey's for Christmas due to item number 1 and 2 on list.
10. So excited for a short week at school this week and then Christmas Break in a few more!! WooHoo!