It is a house full of boys!. Brian is a high school principal, I'm a teacher, Jack LOVES football and Star Wars, Grant is full of life and loves to just play and Will (the Pounder) rounds our family out. God is good and we are blessed.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I never real post stuff about my personal opinions and stuff but something is under my skin and I want to see if anyone else agrees with me.
The pregnant man! Man I get fired up about this. You are not a man if you have a uterus, and all the other female organs needed to create/carry a baby. A man is not having a baby, a women is.
Barbara Walters...this is not interesting, it has been going on forever...women have babies all the time.
The pregnant man! Man I get fired up about this. You are not a man if you have a uterus, and all the other female organs needed to create/carry a baby. A man is not having a baby, a women is.
Barbara Walters...this is not interesting, it has been going on forever...women have babies all the time.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I am uploading pictures as we speak and it is quite slow. I am going to blog a little and then post the pictures later. You are going to see pictures of Grant (think I see London, I see France...) and some pictures of Jack's Holiday Party at school today. I could not get pictures of his sing along because I would have had to stand in front of the entire school to take them and I did not want to embarrass Jack by doing that. Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Brian's Grandpa
Brian's grandpa passed away on Tuesday. He was a great person and always so nice to everyone. He was also married for 67 years which is pretty amazing...even more amazing is that they still loved each other. He will be missed.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Been a long time...
I never seem to get around to updating my blog. Usually by the time the boys are in bed I am not far behind. Here is an update:
1. Got a new camera (finally). It is really similar to the old one which is nice since I know how to use it. I sold my old one on craiglist! I have pictures to put on the blog but I am to lazy right now to go get the camera from downstairs.
2. We took the boys to Monkey Joe's this weekend and they had fun! Grant was actually not terrified and had fun jumping.
3. Almost done Christmas shopping...almost!
4. I am almost thirteen weeks pregnant. I am still sick but have seemed to figured out the medicine and times to best take it that makes it work for me. I still have moments of nauseous and even left my classroom this week but only one time which is an improvement. I have a belly at night that looks pregnant (bloat) but during the day I just look like I have gained weight/eaten to much pizza. I am at that stage of my clothes kinda fit but look a little snug but maternity is to big. Let me tell it is great for your self image!
5. Jack's kindergarten party is Friday, his class is singing in front of the whole school and he is SO EXCITED! I can't wait. Brian is actually able to make it as well.
6. They are calling for sleet/snow/ice in the next couple of days...I really don't want a snow day!
7. I miss my sister..
8. Brian had his work Christmas party on friday night. I was suppose to go and my parents had the boys but I was not feeling that great and a few of the other ways could not make it for various reasons. Brian went with out me and I was asleep before 8:30. Can you say lame?
9. Still running...a feat I am very proud of! If I am on the treadmill I run ten minutes/walk five minutes and repeat that until I get to four miles. On Saturday I ran a full three miles with out stopping outside and then walked some. I am slower for sure but it feels good to know I am trying to stay in shape. I am starting to feel weird pulls and tugs in my belly when I run and my back hurt a little after this weekend.
10. Dillards: I really enjoyed reading your blog and you went to private. I totally get why your blog is private (mine is also). I would love to keep reading!
Well - off to bed! It is after all almost 8:30~
1. Got a new camera (finally). It is really similar to the old one which is nice since I know how to use it. I sold my old one on craiglist! I have pictures to put on the blog but I am to lazy right now to go get the camera from downstairs.
2. We took the boys to Monkey Joe's this weekend and they had fun! Grant was actually not terrified and had fun jumping.
3. Almost done Christmas shopping...almost!
4. I am almost thirteen weeks pregnant. I am still sick but have seemed to figured out the medicine and times to best take it that makes it work for me. I still have moments of nauseous and even left my classroom this week but only one time which is an improvement. I have a belly at night that looks pregnant (bloat) but during the day I just look like I have gained weight/eaten to much pizza. I am at that stage of my clothes kinda fit but look a little snug but maternity is to big. Let me tell it is great for your self image!
5. Jack's kindergarten party is Friday, his class is singing in front of the whole school and he is SO EXCITED! I can't wait. Brian is actually able to make it as well.
6. They are calling for sleet/snow/ice in the next couple of days...I really don't want a snow day!
7. I miss my sister..
8. Brian had his work Christmas party on friday night. I was suppose to go and my parents had the boys but I was not feeling that great and a few of the other ways could not make it for various reasons. Brian went with out me and I was asleep before 8:30. Can you say lame?
9. Still running...a feat I am very proud of! If I am on the treadmill I run ten minutes/walk five minutes and repeat that until I get to four miles. On Saturday I ran a full three miles with out stopping outside and then walked some. I am slower for sure but it feels good to know I am trying to stay in shape. I am starting to feel weird pulls and tugs in my belly when I run and my back hurt a little after this weekend.
10. Dillards: I really enjoyed reading your blog and you went to private. I totally get why your blog is private (mine is also). I would love to keep reading!
Well - off to bed! It is after all almost 8:30~
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I went the dr. this week and as she was writing me out the prescription for Zofran she casually asked if my insurance covered it. I told her they did and I just had a $5 co-pay. Her face told me she was floored! When I filled the prescription I looked to see how much the Zofran actually was....A one week supply (21 pills) was $487. Holy Moly! Thank goodness I have good health insurance. In case you were wondering, Zofran is just one of the pills I take to help me not throw up and be able to function kinda. Thank you GHP! Maybe we will name this next baby GHP or Zofran in honor and thanks to them/it.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Here is a quick update of what has been going on...
1. I am sick, sick, sick. I was very sick with my first two boys and this one is proving to be a follower already.
2. I spend a lot of time on the couch, in the bed, or struggling to get through the simple everyday tasks of a house with two kids.
3. Brian is being AWESOME. He brings me my medicine (Zofran and some other one) that stops me from throwing up at 5:45am as he is leaving for work. He also makes sure to take care of the dogs before he leaves. When he gets home he literally sets his stuff down and takes over with dinner, clean up, bath, entertaining the boys, folding laundry etc. Thank you Brian!
4. I am trying to be nice to him. With Grant I think I treated him pretty badly and I had to promise to be nicer this time.
5. Two days of school this week!
6. During my 4th hour one day I could not find anyone to watch my class so I could go get sick. I told them they are a few options - they could go to their locker, the bathroom, or get a drink but they had to be in the hallway until I came back out of the bathroom. Bless their hearts they took pity on me, listened, and stayed in the hallway while I was in the bathroom.
7. My one medicine makes me VERY drowsy. During that same 4th hour class a bell rang and I jumped up and said something about a fire drill. My students looked at me like I was crazy. I made them promise me in the event of a real emergency one of them would take charge and make sure we all got out of the building safely including me.
8. Jack and Brian have strep throat. The dr. says Grant probably won't get it because he is under the age of 3. I will probably get it according to the dr.
9. Grant is talking more and more! So exciting!
10. I am still running...I do about 3-4 miles every day and I feel so much better after I do it. It is my goal to really stay with my exercising this pregnancy. I also try and walk at a big incline for like ten minutes and do my light weights for my upper body.
11. Ultrasound tomorrow!
12. Erin is not coming in town for Thanksgiving...bummer!
13. My mom starts her new job tomorrow...you will do awesome mom!
14. I need to get some Christmas shopping done!
Have a great week!
1. I am sick, sick, sick. I was very sick with my first two boys and this one is proving to be a follower already.
2. I spend a lot of time on the couch, in the bed, or struggling to get through the simple everyday tasks of a house with two kids.
3. Brian is being AWESOME. He brings me my medicine (Zofran and some other one) that stops me from throwing up at 5:45am as he is leaving for work. He also makes sure to take care of the dogs before he leaves. When he gets home he literally sets his stuff down and takes over with dinner, clean up, bath, entertaining the boys, folding laundry etc. Thank you Brian!
4. I am trying to be nice to him. With Grant I think I treated him pretty badly and I had to promise to be nicer this time.
5. Two days of school this week!
6. During my 4th hour one day I could not find anyone to watch my class so I could go get sick. I told them they are a few options - they could go to their locker, the bathroom, or get a drink but they had to be in the hallway until I came back out of the bathroom. Bless their hearts they took pity on me, listened, and stayed in the hallway while I was in the bathroom.
7. My one medicine makes me VERY drowsy. During that same 4th hour class a bell rang and I jumped up and said something about a fire drill. My students looked at me like I was crazy. I made them promise me in the event of a real emergency one of them would take charge and make sure we all got out of the building safely including me.
8. Jack and Brian have strep throat. The dr. says Grant probably won't get it because he is under the age of 3. I will probably get it according to the dr.
9. Grant is talking more and more! So exciting!
10. I am still running...I do about 3-4 miles every day and I feel so much better after I do it. It is my goal to really stay with my exercising this pregnancy. I also try and walk at a big incline for like ten minutes and do my light weights for my upper body.
11. Ultrasound tomorrow!
12. Erin is not coming in town for Thanksgiving...bummer!
13. My mom starts her new job tomorrow...you will do awesome mom!
14. I need to get some Christmas shopping done!
Have a great week!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Rosa Parks
This evening at dinner Jack was telling us about a story they read in school about a black women who would not give her seat up on the bus and she was arrested. Brian loving everything history became very excited and animated in his explanation of the entire story, were it took place, and why it was so intriguing. Jacks response you might wonder? Dad is there a football team in Alabama?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here is a recap of our week:
1. The boys had their Halloween Party at Wendy's. Wendy was great this year and asked that all treats brought were healthy. This is awesome! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is more candy!
2. We carved pumpkins with Ryan, Maria, Libby and Laney on Sunday. Both boys stuck their hand in the pumpkins - Yuck! They turned out great. I will post pictures later.
3. We had Jack's first parent teacher conference. Jack is doing awesome! Mrs. Heberlie said he is outgoing, friendly, on task, listens, helps, cooperates, etc. It really was perfect! We have been telling him a ton how proud of him we are and to keep up the good work! He is making good choices and doing the right thing. Way to go Jack!
4. One part of conferences was sharing some sheets she has the students do completely on their own. On one sheet they had to answer questions like what is your favorite thing to eat, who is your friend, what is your favorite color... The students have attempt to figure out how to spell their answer without her help. Some of what he wrote made sense and others did not. Mrs. Heberlie does go back and write some of it in afterwards in small letters underneath. The best answer though was to the question on what is your favorite color? Jack wrote "Jagu" and Mrs. Heberlie had written "purple" underneath because that is what Jack told her his favorite color was. She was confused - we were not! You see the Jaguars (Brians old football team) are purple and black. Jack bleeds purple for his beloved Jaguars. And we learned this evening he even thinks you spell purple - J a g u a r! Love it! Go Jags!
5. Happy Birthday Erin - We love you!
1. The boys had their Halloween Party at Wendy's. Wendy was great this year and asked that all treats brought were healthy. This is awesome! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is more candy!
2. We carved pumpkins with Ryan, Maria, Libby and Laney on Sunday. Both boys stuck their hand in the pumpkins - Yuck! They turned out great. I will post pictures later.
3. We had Jack's first parent teacher conference. Jack is doing awesome! Mrs. Heberlie said he is outgoing, friendly, on task, listens, helps, cooperates, etc. It really was perfect! We have been telling him a ton how proud of him we are and to keep up the good work! He is making good choices and doing the right thing. Way to go Jack!
4. One part of conferences was sharing some sheets she has the students do completely on their own. On one sheet they had to answer questions like what is your favorite thing to eat, who is your friend, what is your favorite color... The students have attempt to figure out how to spell their answer without her help. Some of what he wrote made sense and others did not. Mrs. Heberlie does go back and write some of it in afterwards in small letters underneath. The best answer though was to the question on what is your favorite color? Jack wrote "Jagu" and Mrs. Heberlie had written "purple" underneath because that is what Jack told her his favorite color was. She was confused - we were not! You see the Jaguars (Brians old football team) are purple and black. Jack bleeds purple for his beloved Jaguars. And we learned this evening he even thinks you spell purple - J a g u a r! Love it! Go Jags!
5. Happy Birthday Erin - We love you!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The DVD of my grandfathers memorial service came in the mail the other day. Jack was BEGGING to watch it. I reminded him a few times how bored he was at the real one but he insisted, so I put it in. He kept saying I want to see Pawp. Sure enough every single time Pawp came on the video both of my boys would scream with excitement and point him out. I am talking about their Pawp - my dad. That is right folks my boys are obsessed and adore their Pawp and Wednesday evening they watched him on 65 inch TV and loved every single minute of it. Every time Grant would see him he would yell his name and do a little run/dance around the living room. Good thing Pawp is coming over this evening to play!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Libby and Laney

Saturday we went to Libby and Laney's birthday party. They rented a jump house. Grant has always been very afraid of these. After a couple of hours of watching he decided he wanted in. He had a blast! It was awesome! We were able to jump with him and let him go on his own!
Happy 5th Birthday to Libby and Happy 4th Birthday to Laney!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Erin tagged me a few weeks ago...I can't remember if it is suppose to be remarkable or unremarkable so I am going to do a mixture.
6 Remarkable/Unremarkable Things About Me:
1. I hate being pregnant with every fiber of my being. It is uncomfortable, I feel horrible, and I hate to gain weight. That being said I love labor as much has I dislike being pregnant. Labor is the ultimate! It is the best! It is the accomplishment for all those annoying things. Sure it hurts (until I get my epidural...I am not Erin folks) but wow you finally feel like it was all worth it and the best part is when it is said and done you can touch your toes!! Plus you get a pretty cool gift!!!
2. I knew Jack's name forever. Brian was not sold but I would call him Jack around Brian all the time. When we went to the hospital it was between Jack and Cade and after watching me of a while Brian said it was really my call. Smart move buddy!
3. I wish I had the guts to have my natural hair color. I get so tired of keeping up with the whole roots thing. I am starting to go a little darker in hopes of it blending more and not having to do it as much!
4. I love to clean my house. It relaxes me and calms me. Yes I know have issues!
5. I love my dogs but if Jack and Grant did not love them they would be gone. I can't believe I feel that way. They used to be my babies. I am tired though and they are just more work for me! I won't get rid of them because Jack and Grant love them.
6. I have never left Brian and the boys even for one night. I have gone places overnight with Brian or left the boys with my parents but I have never left by myself. Weird I know. I really don't have a reason and Brian encourages me to go but I don't know were to go or what to do. My running friends are going to a race in December for the weekend and it might be time to tag along.
I am going to do a few more - this is fun!
7. I would love to be a nurse. I think it is an amazing job to take care of people like that plus they get to wear scrubs!! I would love to go back to school when my kids are older for a degree in nursing. I can retire from teaching when I am 47 and it would be a cool job!
8. When I eat corn on the cob I cannot eat from a place without corn. When I am done I have the weirdest looking corn ever!
9. I love to read People magazine. Nothing is better than a new People and a bath on a Friday night. In fact I think I am getting off of this computer to go do just that!
6 Remarkable/Unremarkable Things About Me:
1. I hate being pregnant with every fiber of my being. It is uncomfortable, I feel horrible, and I hate to gain weight. That being said I love labor as much has I dislike being pregnant. Labor is the ultimate! It is the best! It is the accomplishment for all those annoying things. Sure it hurts (until I get my epidural...I am not Erin folks) but wow you finally feel like it was all worth it and the best part is when it is said and done you can touch your toes!! Plus you get a pretty cool gift!!!
2. I knew Jack's name forever. Brian was not sold but I would call him Jack around Brian all the time. When we went to the hospital it was between Jack and Cade and after watching me of a while Brian said it was really my call. Smart move buddy!
3. I wish I had the guts to have my natural hair color. I get so tired of keeping up with the whole roots thing. I am starting to go a little darker in hopes of it blending more and not having to do it as much!
4. I love to clean my house. It relaxes me and calms me. Yes I know have issues!
5. I love my dogs but if Jack and Grant did not love them they would be gone. I can't believe I feel that way. They used to be my babies. I am tired though and they are just more work for me! I won't get rid of them because Jack and Grant love them.
6. I have never left Brian and the boys even for one night. I have gone places overnight with Brian or left the boys with my parents but I have never left by myself. Weird I know. I really don't have a reason and Brian encourages me to go but I don't know were to go or what to do. My running friends are going to a race in December for the weekend and it might be time to tag along.
I am going to do a few more - this is fun!
7. I would love to be a nurse. I think it is an amazing job to take care of people like that plus they get to wear scrubs!! I would love to go back to school when my kids are older for a degree in nursing. I can retire from teaching when I am 47 and it would be a cool job!
8. When I eat corn on the cob I cannot eat from a place without corn. When I am done I have the weirdest looking corn ever!
9. I love to read People magazine. Nothing is better than a new People and a bath on a Friday night. In fact I think I am getting off of this computer to go do just that!
Memorial Service

My grandfather passed away last week and after the memorial service we all went to their house. It was a nice time. Growing up my grandparents would have little petty zoo's, go carts, pony rides, and slip-n-slide days. So keeping with tradition we got out the go-cart (I think somebody actually took it from Mark's house but since he won't talk to anyone who cares - to get mad that we "borrowed" it he would have to talk to us). The boys had a blast. I resisted the urge to go buy some helmets, pads, and bubble wrap! It seemed like a good way to remember my grandfather.
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