Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Here is a recap of our week:

1. The boys had their Halloween Party at Wendy's. Wendy was great this year and asked that all treats brought were healthy. This is awesome! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is more candy!

2. We carved pumpkins with Ryan, Maria, Libby and Laney on Sunday. Both boys stuck their hand in the pumpkins - Yuck! They turned out great. I will post pictures later.

3. We had Jack's first parent teacher conference. Jack is doing awesome! Mrs. Heberlie said he is outgoing, friendly, on task, listens, helps, cooperates, etc. It really was perfect! We have been telling him a ton how proud of him we are and to keep up the good work! He is making good choices and doing the right thing. Way to go Jack!

4. One part of conferences was sharing some sheets she has the students do completely on their own. On one sheet they had to answer questions like what is your favorite thing to eat, who is your friend, what is your favorite color... The students have attempt to figure out how to spell their answer without her help. Some of what he wrote made sense and others did not. Mrs. Heberlie does go back and write some of it in afterwards in small letters underneath. The best answer though was to the question on what is your favorite color? Jack wrote "Jagu" and Mrs. Heberlie had written "purple" underneath because that is what Jack told her his favorite color was. She was confused - we were not! You see the Jaguars (Brians old football team) are purple and black. Jack bleeds purple for his beloved Jaguars. And we learned this evening he even thinks you spell purple - J a g u a r! Love it! Go Jags!

5. Happy Birthday Erin - We love you!

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