Sunday, June 22, 2008


Erin tagged me...

3 joys: "my boys", running, my friends
3 fears: something happening to me and not being around for my kids, flying, bridges
3 goals: to always work at being a better mom, friend, and wife
3 current obsessions/collections: i am not sure i have three because i HATE to collect things but I am kinda into this blog thing as it will provide a journal for myself and family years from now
3 random/suprising facts about myself: I have always wanted to foster/adopt when we are done having kids, i like kids more than i like most adults, i wish i had the guts to make my hair its natural color because i am tired of maintaining the color it is

1 comment:

Bob Hansel said...

Don't forget, you're afraid of driving through the mountains!