It is a house full of boys!. Brian is a high school principal, I'm a teacher, Jack LOVES football and Star Wars, Grant is full of life and loves to just play and Will (the Pounder) rounds our family out. God is good and we are blessed.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here is a recap of our week:
1. The boys had their Halloween Party at Wendy's. Wendy was great this year and asked that all treats brought were healthy. This is awesome! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is more candy!
2. We carved pumpkins with Ryan, Maria, Libby and Laney on Sunday. Both boys stuck their hand in the pumpkins - Yuck! They turned out great. I will post pictures later.
3. We had Jack's first parent teacher conference. Jack is doing awesome! Mrs. Heberlie said he is outgoing, friendly, on task, listens, helps, cooperates, etc. It really was perfect! We have been telling him a ton how proud of him we are and to keep up the good work! He is making good choices and doing the right thing. Way to go Jack!
4. One part of conferences was sharing some sheets she has the students do completely on their own. On one sheet they had to answer questions like what is your favorite thing to eat, who is your friend, what is your favorite color... The students have attempt to figure out how to spell their answer without her help. Some of what he wrote made sense and others did not. Mrs. Heberlie does go back and write some of it in afterwards in small letters underneath. The best answer though was to the question on what is your favorite color? Jack wrote "Jagu" and Mrs. Heberlie had written "purple" underneath because that is what Jack told her his favorite color was. She was confused - we were not! You see the Jaguars (Brians old football team) are purple and black. Jack bleeds purple for his beloved Jaguars. And we learned this evening he even thinks you spell purple - J a g u a r! Love it! Go Jags!
5. Happy Birthday Erin - We love you!
1. The boys had their Halloween Party at Wendy's. Wendy was great this year and asked that all treats brought were healthy. This is awesome! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is more candy!
2. We carved pumpkins with Ryan, Maria, Libby and Laney on Sunday. Both boys stuck their hand in the pumpkins - Yuck! They turned out great. I will post pictures later.
3. We had Jack's first parent teacher conference. Jack is doing awesome! Mrs. Heberlie said he is outgoing, friendly, on task, listens, helps, cooperates, etc. It really was perfect! We have been telling him a ton how proud of him we are and to keep up the good work! He is making good choices and doing the right thing. Way to go Jack!
4. One part of conferences was sharing some sheets she has the students do completely on their own. On one sheet they had to answer questions like what is your favorite thing to eat, who is your friend, what is your favorite color... The students have attempt to figure out how to spell their answer without her help. Some of what he wrote made sense and others did not. Mrs. Heberlie does go back and write some of it in afterwards in small letters underneath. The best answer though was to the question on what is your favorite color? Jack wrote "Jagu" and Mrs. Heberlie had written "purple" underneath because that is what Jack told her his favorite color was. She was confused - we were not! You see the Jaguars (Brians old football team) are purple and black. Jack bleeds purple for his beloved Jaguars. And we learned this evening he even thinks you spell purple - J a g u a r! Love it! Go Jags!
5. Happy Birthday Erin - We love you!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The DVD of my grandfathers memorial service came in the mail the other day. Jack was BEGGING to watch it. I reminded him a few times how bored he was at the real one but he insisted, so I put it in. He kept saying I want to see Pawp. Sure enough every single time Pawp came on the video both of my boys would scream with excitement and point him out. I am talking about their Pawp - my dad. That is right folks my boys are obsessed and adore their Pawp and Wednesday evening they watched him on 65 inch TV and loved every single minute of it. Every time Grant would see him he would yell his name and do a little run/dance around the living room. Good thing Pawp is coming over this evening to play!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Libby and Laney

Saturday we went to Libby and Laney's birthday party. They rented a jump house. Grant has always been very afraid of these. After a couple of hours of watching he decided he wanted in. He had a blast! It was awesome! We were able to jump with him and let him go on his own!
Happy 5th Birthday to Libby and Happy 4th Birthday to Laney!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Erin tagged me a few weeks ago...I can't remember if it is suppose to be remarkable or unremarkable so I am going to do a mixture.
6 Remarkable/Unremarkable Things About Me:
1. I hate being pregnant with every fiber of my being. It is uncomfortable, I feel horrible, and I hate to gain weight. That being said I love labor as much has I dislike being pregnant. Labor is the ultimate! It is the best! It is the accomplishment for all those annoying things. Sure it hurts (until I get my epidural...I am not Erin folks) but wow you finally feel like it was all worth it and the best part is when it is said and done you can touch your toes!! Plus you get a pretty cool gift!!!
2. I knew Jack's name forever. Brian was not sold but I would call him Jack around Brian all the time. When we went to the hospital it was between Jack and Cade and after watching me of a while Brian said it was really my call. Smart move buddy!
3. I wish I had the guts to have my natural hair color. I get so tired of keeping up with the whole roots thing. I am starting to go a little darker in hopes of it blending more and not having to do it as much!
4. I love to clean my house. It relaxes me and calms me. Yes I know have issues!
5. I love my dogs but if Jack and Grant did not love them they would be gone. I can't believe I feel that way. They used to be my babies. I am tired though and they are just more work for me! I won't get rid of them because Jack and Grant love them.
6. I have never left Brian and the boys even for one night. I have gone places overnight with Brian or left the boys with my parents but I have never left by myself. Weird I know. I really don't have a reason and Brian encourages me to go but I don't know were to go or what to do. My running friends are going to a race in December for the weekend and it might be time to tag along.
I am going to do a few more - this is fun!
7. I would love to be a nurse. I think it is an amazing job to take care of people like that plus they get to wear scrubs!! I would love to go back to school when my kids are older for a degree in nursing. I can retire from teaching when I am 47 and it would be a cool job!
8. When I eat corn on the cob I cannot eat from a place without corn. When I am done I have the weirdest looking corn ever!
9. I love to read People magazine. Nothing is better than a new People and a bath on a Friday night. In fact I think I am getting off of this computer to go do just that!
6 Remarkable/Unremarkable Things About Me:
1. I hate being pregnant with every fiber of my being. It is uncomfortable, I feel horrible, and I hate to gain weight. That being said I love labor as much has I dislike being pregnant. Labor is the ultimate! It is the best! It is the accomplishment for all those annoying things. Sure it hurts (until I get my epidural...I am not Erin folks) but wow you finally feel like it was all worth it and the best part is when it is said and done you can touch your toes!! Plus you get a pretty cool gift!!!
2. I knew Jack's name forever. Brian was not sold but I would call him Jack around Brian all the time. When we went to the hospital it was between Jack and Cade and after watching me of a while Brian said it was really my call. Smart move buddy!
3. I wish I had the guts to have my natural hair color. I get so tired of keeping up with the whole roots thing. I am starting to go a little darker in hopes of it blending more and not having to do it as much!
4. I love to clean my house. It relaxes me and calms me. Yes I know have issues!
5. I love my dogs but if Jack and Grant did not love them they would be gone. I can't believe I feel that way. They used to be my babies. I am tired though and they are just more work for me! I won't get rid of them because Jack and Grant love them.
6. I have never left Brian and the boys even for one night. I have gone places overnight with Brian or left the boys with my parents but I have never left by myself. Weird I know. I really don't have a reason and Brian encourages me to go but I don't know were to go or what to do. My running friends are going to a race in December for the weekend and it might be time to tag along.
I am going to do a few more - this is fun!
7. I would love to be a nurse. I think it is an amazing job to take care of people like that plus they get to wear scrubs!! I would love to go back to school when my kids are older for a degree in nursing. I can retire from teaching when I am 47 and it would be a cool job!
8. When I eat corn on the cob I cannot eat from a place without corn. When I am done I have the weirdest looking corn ever!
9. I love to read People magazine. Nothing is better than a new People and a bath on a Friday night. In fact I think I am getting off of this computer to go do just that!
Memorial Service

My grandfather passed away last week and after the memorial service we all went to their house. It was a nice time. Growing up my grandparents would have little petty zoo's, go carts, pony rides, and slip-n-slide days. So keeping with tradition we got out the go-cart (I think somebody actually took it from Mark's house but since he won't talk to anyone who cares - to get mad that we "borrowed" it he would have to talk to us). The boys had a blast. I resisted the urge to go buy some helmets, pads, and bubble wrap! It seemed like a good way to remember my grandfather.
A Very Expensive Pumpkin!

Jack's school has his fall festival this evening. They had their annual pumpkin auction. Each teacher decorates a pumpkin and it is auctioned off by the PTO. All of the pumpkins were very elaborate and the teachers spent a ton of time making them really amazing. Jack's teacher was new to the school and she had her students decorate and it and then she saw how crazy the other teachers went creating their pumpkins. I did not care at all. My baby made it and it was going to be mine! Plus I really think that made it more special. Jack had been talking for weeks about the pumpkin his class made that we could buy at the fall festival. So yes we bought a thirty dollar pumpkin. The best news is it is a fake pumpkin so I can use it decorate for years and years. I told Brian we need to make it a tradition that we buy our kids kindergarten pumpkin!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ahh to be 5 years old!
Jack came out of school yesterday telling me he had the best news and the best day! I asked him what happened and he told me his red crayon broke and Mrs. Heberlie gave him a NEW box of crayon and it had a white and grey also! He was so excited because he told me he has never had a grey crayon and it was just the best ever!
Don't you wish a new box of crayons with a grey made your day? It kinda makes you realize you have to find the joy in the little things...even a grey crayon!
Don't you wish a new box of crayons with a grey made your day? It kinda makes you realize you have to find the joy in the little things...even a grey crayon!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday started off interesting. There was a manhunt going on about 2 miles from here and my school was cancelled and it was advised that you stay inside. The boys and I got a bonus day off together!! We made a tent/fort and baked some cookies. Thursday evening we also had football and I brought the camera! Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Week Update
Here is what our week has looked like...
1. Brian was out of town Sunday through Tuesday. I don't sleep well without him here. Big house and nervous Angie is not a good combination. Jack slept in our bed with me both nights and I was laughing at how much he looks like his daddy when he sleeps. If he was only a little bigger I could sleep better! Of course having my son sleep in my bed when he is much older than five would be gross. Needless to say I am a more tired than normal this week.
2. We have moved our couches upstairs. Our new couches come on Friday so our living room is empty and waiting. Thanks to Uncle Ryan for coming over to help Brian carry them upstairs this evening.
3. Warner is downstairs crying because since the couches are upstairs he cannot find his pillows to lay on and sleep. Dumb dog...the pillows are upstairs. I am not getting pillows for my new couches until I can train Warner to sleep upstairs at night and not mess with my new pillows. If you know Warner that could take YEARS.
4. My grandpa died on Tuesday morning. He had Alzheimer's but was pretty healthy. I have tried a few times to call my grandma but she is a popular woman and I have yet to talk to her.
5. Dad if you are reading this we are bringing both our your boys on Saturday. I figured I owe you more than you owe me so I will make your day since I can. G-Man does not always behave in church so I can't promise he will be quiet. But really since not everyone in our family behaves themselves at family functions Grant might come out looking pretty good.
6. Football practice tomorrow night and Brian has to work so I am on my own. Last week Grant took his clothes off at football so I might grab some duct tape for this week.
7. I take Grant to the dr. on Friday also. One of his tubes in his ear has moved so they need to take a better look. Good luck holding him down! Anyone wanna come help me? Ha Ha
8. Grant is giving me lots of kisses lately...love it! What a cutie!
9. We practiced fire drill in our house this evening and taught Jack how to unlock and open his bedroom windows. The firefighters came to his school today and he learned a lot of good stuff. We also practiced stop, drop, and roll. He even makes a face like he is on fire as he is doing the "stop" part. They must have watched a video. He also thanked me for having smoke detectors in our house.
10. Had another Arbonne party on Monday. Katie Mohr is awesome if you know her. She ran the party amongst a ton of chaos of kids running around and dogs barking.
1. Brian was out of town Sunday through Tuesday. I don't sleep well without him here. Big house and nervous Angie is not a good combination. Jack slept in our bed with me both nights and I was laughing at how much he looks like his daddy when he sleeps. If he was only a little bigger I could sleep better! Of course having my son sleep in my bed when he is much older than five would be gross. Needless to say I am a more tired than normal this week.
2. We have moved our couches upstairs. Our new couches come on Friday so our living room is empty and waiting. Thanks to Uncle Ryan for coming over to help Brian carry them upstairs this evening.
3. Warner is downstairs crying because since the couches are upstairs he cannot find his pillows to lay on and sleep. Dumb dog...the pillows are upstairs. I am not getting pillows for my new couches until I can train Warner to sleep upstairs at night and not mess with my new pillows. If you know Warner that could take YEARS.
4. My grandpa died on Tuesday morning. He had Alzheimer's but was pretty healthy. I have tried a few times to call my grandma but she is a popular woman and I have yet to talk to her.
5. Dad if you are reading this we are bringing both our your boys on Saturday. I figured I owe you more than you owe me so I will make your day since I can. G-Man does not always behave in church so I can't promise he will be quiet. But really since not everyone in our family behaves themselves at family functions Grant might come out looking pretty good.
6. Football practice tomorrow night and Brian has to work so I am on my own. Last week Grant took his clothes off at football so I might grab some duct tape for this week.
7. I take Grant to the dr. on Friday also. One of his tubes in his ear has moved so they need to take a better look. Good luck holding him down! Anyone wanna come help me? Ha Ha
8. Grant is giving me lots of kisses lately...love it! What a cutie!
9. We practiced fire drill in our house this evening and taught Jack how to unlock and open his bedroom windows. The firefighters came to his school today and he learned a lot of good stuff. We also practiced stop, drop, and roll. He even makes a face like he is on fire as he is doing the "stop" part. They must have watched a video. He also thanked me for having smoke detectors in our house.
10. Had another Arbonne party on Monday. Katie Mohr is awesome if you know her. She ran the party amongst a ton of chaos of kids running around and dogs barking.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sick Again
Grant got sick on Wednesday with the flu (the one from Jack) so I was home with the boys on Wednesday. At lunch on Friday I realized I was not feeling so well and made it to 2:30 at school when I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I managed to get Jack picked up and by the time Brian got home around dinner time I was full blown sick!!! Brian took over but when he came to bed he said how his stomach was feeling weird. Good thing I had already called my parents about getting the boys on Saturday. Brian was supposed to work all day Saturday - homecoming parade, football game, and dance. Brian never really got out of bed on Saturday. He tried a few times but the flu had hit him. Thank God for my parents coming and taking the boys. There is no way I could have done it with out them. Today was spent still not feeling great but at least I think I am going to live. Brian left for a conference and my parents came out again to help me. I have still not really eaten anything. I am thinking I might try some toast again here soon. Nothing looks or sounds good. I have washed sheets, wiped off everything with clorox wipes, and had the windows open most of the day...goodbye germs!!!
Thanks again mom and dad!
Thanks again mom and dad!
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