Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Things I hear myself say...

1. No wrestling on the stairs.
2. You have to wear socks with your shoes.
3. Those are not your underwear they are your brothers.
4. After you go to the bathroom you have to wash your hands and dry them on the towel not your shirt.
5. Wash your hands.
6. Get your finger out of your nose.
7. Let your brother up.
8. Do not wipe your nose on me.

Things I wonder...

1. Why when Grant is thirsty he turns on the cold water in the mater bathtub and drinks out of the faucet instead of just asking for a drink.
2. How toothpaste can make such a mess in the bathroom night after night.
3. Why Grant can only tell me when he has to poop and wants me to sit with him in their until he is done.
4. If Jack will ever catch on that has much as I act like I LOVE stars wars like him I could really care less about it and none of it makes any sense to me. Really no sense at all...those weird names confuse me all the time. Good thing he is patient and will explain it to me over and over.
5. How this new boys will fit into our lives and what fun stuff he will add to it!

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