Life is super busy and does not show any signs of slowing down so here is an update for memories sake (for me).
1. Will is now 9 months old. He is AWESOME! He really loves us and is hitting the stranger anxiety stage. It is hard for him when strangers talk to him and he has this nervous laugh almost cry that he does. If I soothe him in time we avoid screaming. Some people think they can make it better by talking to him more but that really just makes it worse. He is weight is right at 22 lbs and he is wearing size 12 month -18 month. He takes an afternoon nap and lately has started taking another nap at around 5:30 for about 45 minutes. He then goes back to bed at about 8:30 until about 7 the next morning. He drinks 6-8 bottles a day and eats baby food, Cheerios, corn, and green beans. He is kinda crawling. Actually crawls backwards quite well and gets stuck quite well also. He has made a few attempts at forward motion but nothing major yet. He can pull himself up from sitting to half/standing to play with his toy table as well.
2. Jack is playing baseball and loving it. He has practice on Friday nights and games on Saturdays. It is coach pitch and a few kids from his school are on the team.
3. Brian and I ran the Go! St. Louis Half Marathon on April 11th. It was a new course and quite hilly. It was also quite hot. My time was 1:55 and Brian's was 2:10. Brian was not happy with his run but he needs to remember he has torn tendons in his ankle, it was hot, and it was quite hilly. I was pleased with my time but it was hard. My goal is to get stronger and build up a base run were it is easy to just run ten miles again. In other words more running to get back from having a baby. I really like the half's and want to focus on enjoying them but also getting faster. I think my days of full marathons are over. I won't say I will never do one but half's are so much easier.
4. Grant is doing great at preschool. He enjoys going and from what we hear he is doing well. He is happy the weather is good because it means we are outside riding his beloved jeep.
5. Easter was good. We went to church Saturday night, the Easter bunny came to our house Sunday morning, then we went to my grandma's, and then to Brian's parents.
6. Grant is still getting in our bed at night. Sometimes I stress about it but overall I don't really care. He is sweet, cuddly, smells good, and I love him so bring it on. The day will come much faster than I want it to when he does like me and I will miss these days so much.
7. Lately I am really trying to live in the moment. Little by little I am letting go of the need to have a perfectly clean house and everything in order. These are days I will not get back. They are days that will be over in the blink of the eye. Life is so short and I am really trying to not sweat the small stuff. I love being these boys mom. I love spending time with them, playing with them, getting them dressed, taking them outside...just the everyday stuff. Don't' get me wrong, I yell, get stressed, have to clean the bathrooms etc but I am really trying.
I will upload pics later - they are uploading to the computer now but I need to get a few hours of sleep before Grant crawls into bed. Ha!!
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