Dear Will,
About 1 minute ago your brothers and I stood in your room and sang "Happy Birthday" to you. We sang it at exactly 12:14 pm which is exactly one year from your birth. You were fast asleep on your second nap of the day (must be growing again!) and did not move. I cried while singing. I can't believe one year ago today I pushed you into this world. It is a day etched forever in my mind and I cherish it so. As mothers we love to tell the stories of the days of our babies birth. Your was so special to me. It is one I have written down for memories sake and I am sure will tell you many times as you grow. Even though you were born on July 2nd at 12:14 I had known you for so much longer. You are extra special. I had a miscarriage the year before having you and in my heartache my dear friend Kate reminded me that another baby was coming, a baby I would not get to have if it had not been for my loss. God choose you before I even knew and I am so grateful that he did. I felt your kicks, your slow movements, and your rolls. Towards the end I always felt you were big and when you were born the doctor commented right away how big you were - I was right! I had felt you for so long and could tell. You changed my body but more than anything just like your brothers you have changed my heart. I hope to show you always how much you mean to me. You are walking, talking a little (mama, dada, baba, and this), love to give hugs, smile a ton, and love when I yell out your nickname of "Wilson". You are my sweet boy and I love being your mom.
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