Each year I put together a scavenger hunt for the boys on my first work day back to school before the boys go back to their babysitter or school. We usually have someone come to our house on these days and it is always a little difficult for the boys after we have been together all summer. For memories sake here are the clues and prizes.
Dear Jack, Grant, and Will
What a fun summer it has been! We have done a lot of great things but most importantly we have been together! I have had so much fun with you every day playing, going to the zoo, pools, Destin, VBS, playing on the slide, beating Jack one time at Wii baseball and everything else. I will miss you today but know you are having a blast with Hannah. I am so, so, so lucky to be your mom and can't wait to see you when I get home.
Love you so much!
PS - Will only has a few prizes for this years scavenger hunt. Please share with him if you can. Be nice to each other also.
Love You!
Clue 1: Vacation was a lot of fun. The car drive sure was long though. It would have been fun to fly. Have fun with these. Look for them were we park our cars.
Clue 2: We started our library reading a little late this year. You guys did a great though. Read these news things...I think you will like them. I can't wait to read them with you. Look for this prize in a place we keep the books.
Clue 3: We love football and toy story in this house! We watched both this summer! Look for this small treat in a place you find movies. Share them please!
Clue 4: You boys are my own "little rascals." I love you so much. I love how we spike your hair sometimes like one of the "little rascals." Look for this clue were we keep the hair gel and maybe when I get home we can spike your hair and watch this!
Clue 5: What is your favorite sport? Look for these in Will's closet!
Clue 6: Yum! Yum! Maybe you can make your own ice cream sandwiches with these after lunch. Enjoy! Look for these in a place Grant likes to climb. Share them please.
Clue 7: We love to wrestle, punch, and play. Knock yourself out with these. To find the prize look in the place we keep the band aids.
Clue 8: These are good but you will need to brush your teeth. Look for these special treats in a place you find some toothpaste.
Clue 9: We love to be creative in this house. Please use these little gifts to draw me some new pics for my classroom. I can't wait to see what you create. Look for these on a desk.
Clue 10: We all eat these different. We even learned at church that Will likes them. Look for these in a place we keep the wash cloths. You will need a wash cloth for Will after he eats some of them.
Clue 11: I will miss you today. I will look at my watch a lot and think of you. Look for this prize in a place we keep our cell phones when they are charging.
Clue 12: Just a fun little something to be found in our play gym were you all have fun.
Clue 13: Just in case I missed a little something I thought you might like to go get it yourself. Don't lose these. Give them to Hannah once you find them. Look for these in the place I put all our extra pictures of my sweet boys.
Clue 14: This last prize is something special from Daddy to his 3 boys. It is something you will wear to cheer! It is hidden in his car so you will have to wait for him to get home!
1. Foam gliders in garage
2. books in Grant's room in his book basket
3. Toy Story and Football cards in entertainment center
4. "Little Rascals" movie in my bathroom near hair gel
5. Mizzou t's in Will's closet
6. Chips A hoy cookies in pantry
7. Punching balloons in small bathroom
8. Candy in upstairs bathroom
9. New marker on downstairs desk
10. Oreos in wash cloth drawer
11. Watches on my dresser behind picture frames
12. Cars and Star Wars thing inside slide
13. Target gift card in picture albums
14. Mizzou Jersey's in Brians car
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