I ran/walked a race on Sunday called Flatlanders. You could either sign up for the six hour or the twelve hour and the goal was to see how many miles or loops you could do in your chosen amount of time. My goal was to cover more than 26.2 because then I could say I did an ultramarthon. I did not train like I should have due to three little kids and a SUPER hot summer but I still got my goal! I ran consistently up until mile 21 and then I had to run/walk the rest. I always seem to hit that wall at mile 21 and since I knew I had time on my side I walked more than normal but I still got it done. I am doing this race again next year for sure! I have a new goal...anything more than 27.3 miles!
I have an awesome support system also! Brian ran ten miles with me off and on and brought my boys to cheer me on and run with me. My parents also came to watch my kids, cheer, and encourage. It really means a lot! I got to run a little with Grant, push Will one loop in the stroller while running, and Jack ran almost two full loops with me. A loop was 1.4 miles! I love that my boys get to see me doing something I LOVE and that even though I am the person who takes care of them all day long I am also a person with hobbies and I can do amazing things also!
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