Will is 19 months old. He is a JOY! He is strong willed, funny, demanding, gutsy, adventurous, fearless, and hilarious.
Top Ten for my little Will.I.Am
1. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, prefers to watch it laying in our bed with a bowl of cheese balls. It is a sight!
2. Sleeps 10-12 hours a night and almost always poops as he is waking up. It is a smelly wake up most mornings.
3. Has about 20-25 words. My favorite is how he yells "Jack."
4. He does not take a binky at the sitters and never asks for one of gets upset about not having one at Wendy's. However the first word out of his mouth when I put him in the van at 3:30 is binky.
5. He loves to climb up and down stairs and will yank our gate down when he wants to play on the stairs.
6. He also loves to flip the switch on the power strip when I am running on the treadmill. He thinks it is hilarious. I do not.
7. He is a blankie kid. So so happy about this. I still sleep with my blankie and Will is my first kid that is attached to a blankie and I love it!
9. Will has major attitude and he can turn it on and off. If you make him mad he will snub you, push you away, and walk away from you. He has an opinion.
10. He loves to wrestle with his brothers and if he hears them wrestling in another room he can't get to them fast enough to join in on the fun.
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