Monday, February 9, 2009

Mr. President

I waited until 7:00 to get on the treadmill so I could run and watch The Bachelor. Instead I watched you. I must say at times I was confused by what you had to say and felt like you were talking in a big circle and other times what you said made sense. However, since I listened to you now I have some stuff to say about this crazy world we live in.

1. People start praying.
2. Say "no" to your children. It really is okay.
3. Discipline your children when they are young. Someday they will be 8th graders and think it is okay to look at me and call me a B****. It is not okay.
4. Discipline your children when they are young. Oh wait I already said that. Telling them "NO" to a toy at Target now will make it easier to say "No" about the big things when they are older.
5. Buy what you can afford.
6. Oprah is not God.
7. Learn to say you are sorry and do better next time.
8. Be kind
9. Follow the 10 commandments.
10. Prayer is a good thing.

Mr. President if you plan on talking tomorrow night please make sure it is not when I am watching "Biggest Loser."

1 comment:

Katie said...

You and I watch the same wonderful shows!!!!! I had DVRed The Bachelor and was so worried when I turned it on to find Obama! Yikes!