Friday, January 28, 2011

Sky Zone

Not sure who had more fun at Sky Zone...Brian or the boys?


We got about 10 inches of snow last week. Brian took the first snow day off work and he took the boys sledding with Jack's buddy Ethan and his dad. Will and I stayed home and made chocolate chip cookies. On our second snow day Brian went to work for half the day and then we all headed over to my friend Stephanie's house to sled and have dinner. They have a perfect hill in their back yard and I was glad I got to see the boys sled. I love to sled and have not been able to go for a few years now so I am looking forward to next year when Will is a little older and we can all go!


Jack is playing basketball this winter. He told us he wanted to play, then changed his mind, hated it for a few weeks and then in the last few weeks has decided it is fun and he is pretty good. He makes quite a few baskets each game and really seems to be enjoying himself.


Will is 19 months old. He is a JOY! He is strong willed, funny, demanding, gutsy, adventurous, fearless, and hilarious.

Top Ten for my little Will.I.Am

1. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, prefers to watch it laying in our bed with a bowl of cheese balls. It is a sight!

2. Sleeps 10-12 hours a night and almost always poops as he is waking up. It is a smelly wake up most mornings.

3. Has about 20-25 words. My favorite is how he yells "Jack."

4. He does not take a binky at the sitters and never asks for one of gets upset about not having one at Wendy's. However the first word out of his mouth when I put him in the van at 3:30 is binky.

5. He loves to climb up and down stairs and will yank our gate down when he wants to play on the stairs.

6. He also loves to flip the switch on the power strip when I am running on the treadmill. He thinks it is hilarious. I do not.

7. He is a blankie kid. So so happy about this. I still sleep with my blankie and Will is my first kid that is attached to a blankie and I love it!

9. Will has major attitude and he can turn it on and off. If you make him mad he will snub you, push you away, and walk away from you. He has an opinion.

10. He loves to wrestle with his brothers and if he hears them wrestling in another room he can't get to them fast enough to join in on the fun.

Boobs and Tow Trucks

Got your attention didn't I?

Brian was working late and so I let the two older boys fall asleep in our bed. Grant and I were talking and I thought Jack was already asleep. Grant told me I had big boobs ( I do not!) and wanted to know when he would have boobs. I explained to him that boys don't have boobs and he won't have breasts. At this point Jack points out Grant could have boobs if he was fat. NICE! Grant then was quick to point out that Mr. Ted his bus driver has boobs. I quickly told Grant to NEVER say this to Mr. Ted. Yikes...I am always amazed at the conversations we get to have. :)

Then right before Grant fell asleep he told me he wants to drive a tow truck when he grows up. I told him he would be going to college and if he wanted he could own the tow truck company after he graduates from college.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Great Skate

Over Christmas break one of the things we have done is gone skating at Great Skate. The boys had fun and we enjoyed watching them.


It was a good Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents, Christmas day at home and Christmas day night at Brian's families. The boys were blessed with lots of legos, toys, roller skates, hockey gear, army men, books, and jersey's. One of my favorite traditions is that the boys sleep in our room on Christmas Eve. I love watching them snuggle in with the excitement of Christmas. Jack was super worried this year that he would be on the naughty list which is hilarious because he never does anything wrong yet he worries about it (I wonder were he gets that trait from :)) It even snowed this year!


I always said I wanted 3 boys. How lucky am I?

Holiday Magic

We went to "Holiday Magic" downtown at the convention center. The kids had fun with their cousins and riding the rides! Let me rephrase...Jack and Grant had fun. The pictures will look like Will enjoyed the roller coaster but as soon as it started he started screaming!

2nd grade musical

Jack was in the 2nd grade musical this year. He had four lines and they sang about 5 songs. It was held at South High and we were super proud of him! Way to go Jack!

Team Picture

Jack played just a few games at the end of the season with the O'Fallon Junior Renegades. They were kind enough to include him in the end of the year pizza party.