Friday, August 26, 2011


Here is what we have been up to

1. Jack hit his first home run on Wednesday night. It was a pop fly to the outfield and he slide into 2nd base and then jumped up and ran home. The other team had a couple of errors but we are still calling it a home run! He was SUPER excited and we have not quit talking about it for days. I don't have a picture because I was to busy screaming, yelling, and fist pumping.

2. Kindergarten is off to an okay start. Grant got kicked in the eye during rest time the first day, got lost on the fourth day walking into the building, refused (huge tantrum) on the fifth day because of getting lost the day before, lost his tennis shoes today, wore two left crocs and had to be brought back home, and had his friend Carson steal some cookies and chips from him. I have spoken with the principal, the counselor, his teacher, and am probably being talked about in the lunch room. :)

3. Jack either has football practice, baseball games, or football games most days. He went 8 straight days with something. We are tired. We don't feed our kids a good dinner. Will is crabby. So are Brian and I. The only good thing is the house stays pretty clean because we are not here.

4. Open house the other night for his teacher.

5. I am tired.

6. I paid Jack a dollar to find Grant's lost shoes because I am tired.

7. I think people break into our house at night and put their dirty laundry in our laundry room. How can we have so much?

8. Will is talking like crazy. Tonight I was carrying the vacuum downstairs and he asked "Is that heavy mom?"

9. I am so so so sad that Will is probably my last baby. Heartbroken. I am soaking him up. I pray sometimes that he won't be my last but then I also wonder how I would manage four kids.

10. Night!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kindergarten and 3rd grade

Wow! How did this happen. How did we get here. Didn't I just give birth to these wonders? I can't believe Grant will be in kindergarten. He is so awesome! He is our problem solver, our crazy boy, our driven to be independent, our question asker, and our little wild man! I am excited to see what kindergarten has in store for him and what he has in store for kindergarten:)

Dear Grant, - ask lots of questions, work hard, be kind, talk to your friends, listen to your teacher, work hard, be a good friend, have fun, don't be afraid to ask for help, and help others. You will do GREAT!

Dear Jack - You are going to do awesome in 3rd grade. You are always such a hard worker and make us so proud. We will always help you. Be a good friend, a kind classmate, and if you see your brother in the hallway talk to him :)

Watch out have two Bishop Boys!