Friday, August 7, 2009

1 Month

10lbs 14 oz and 22 inches long

Dear Will,

We can hardly believe that you are 5 weeks old. You have been such an added joy to our lives. You are sleeping pretty good and a few times have slept for six hours at night. You cat nap most mornings and usually take a pretty good late afternoon nap. By evening you prefer only to be held and we pass you back and forth between us. You have smiled at me a few times and are starting to look at us more when you are awake. You like your swing and bouncer but don't really like the car seat. You HATE to have a wet or poop diaper and I feel like I change you about every thirty minutes because you pee so much. You like to look at your older brothers when they get close and you just stare at them when they talk to you. Jack likes to hold you and so does Grant. You like getting in the bathtub with me and Grant and calm down when I hold you close and use the washcloth to wash your hair. Speaking of your hair - we can make it into a mow hawk and when it is first clean it all stand up all over your head. Jack and I call you Spike. We are so glad you are here Will. You are awesome and we love you so much.

Mom and Dad

I have taken lots of pictures but still don't have my computer back. I am taking monthly pictures in our football chair as well!

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